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    The ultimate companion to first-time buyers in Scotland. Whether you're just thinking about buying a home or are well on your way to making an offer - this podcast will help guide you through the process. 



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    In „Pod und die Welt“, dem außenpolitischen Update der Zeitschrift Internationale Politik (IP), sprechen Martin Bialecki und Katharina Peetz alle zwei Wochen mit einem Gast über ein aktuelles Thema aus der Welt der Außenpolitik. Die zentrale Frage: Was haben US-Wahlen, Nahost, Globaler Süden & Co. eigentlich mit meinem, also mit Ihrem, Leben zu tun?Folge 3 mit Muriel Asseburg ab dem 4.10. online!



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    " ارتباط دوباره با طبیعت ”



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    На связи Аня и Лера - авторки подкаста «Кем я мечтаю стать?». Это подкаст о том, какой карьерный и образовательный путь может пройти каждый человек, чтобы обрести профессию мечты.💡 Миссия нашего проекта - познакомить вас с самыми разными профессиями этого мира и на примере опыта экспертов из самых разных сфер показать, какую дорогу может осилить идущий, чтобы стать классным специалистом в своем деле.Мы здесь, чтобы говорить о людях и их профессиях. Этот проект для всех и каждого: если тебе 18, 28 или сколько угодно лет, если ты еще даже не представляешь, кем можно стать в этом огромном карьерном мире, или уже много всего попробовал, но так и не нашел то самое, заветное, свое.➡️ Этот подкаст точно для тебя, если ты хочешь обрести себя новой профессии, но совсем не знаешь как. Если сейчас тебе беспокойно и непонятно примерно ничего, мы поможем: дистанционно возьмем тебя за руку и проведем по пути обретения той самой твоей профессии.



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    Il programma radiofonico sulla Società Sportiva Lazio di Radio Roma Sound condotto da Lorenzo Villanetti e Mattia Savini



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    Welcome to "Before The Draft." A podcast for the art curious



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    Rejoignez Otis et Ava, deux jeunes chasseurs de rêves, dans leurs voyages extraordinaires à travers les songes. À chaque épisode, nos héros explorent un nouveau rêve, où sorcières amicales, monstres rigolos, et arc-en-ciels magiques se mêlent pour enseigner des leçons précieuses sur l'amitié, le courage et l'empathie.Découvrez chaque lundi un nouvel épisode!Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.



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    The creator of the Facebook Group PA Foster and Adoptive parents brings you this podcast about adoption in Foster System. This is a podcast for aspiring adopting parents in Pennsylvania, and United States in General. While Pennsylvania is the State I focus in, many of the options, information and experiences, some are general enough that applies in other States.



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    Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP) discussing using psychotherapy within their practice. Four PMHNP program directors and a biostatistician from across the Unites States sharing their passion on how psychotherapy can help people with nearly all their emotional problems.

    HealthFitnessMental Health


    0 Ratings

    Herzlich willkommen bei “Freedom FM.”Dein Weltreise-Podcast für mehr Freiheit, Leidenschaft und Klarheit im eigenen Leben!Hi, ich bin Niklas. Ich habe im September 2024 meinen Job gekündigt und bin seitdem auf Weltreise. Lange Zeit fehlte es mir an Orientierung und Erfüllung im Leben. Ich hatte häufig das leere Gefühl, irgendwas im Leben zu verpassen. Alle haben einen vermeintlichen Plan fürs Leben, nur ich wandere hier noch orientierungslos umher. Neben spannenden Geschichten von meiner Weltreise und dessen Vorbereitungen teile ich hier wertvolle Insights, um neue Klarheit für deine Zukunft zu finden, um dir ein Leben voller Freiheit und Leidenschaft aufzubauen.Jeden Mittwoch gibt es eine neue Folge. Viel Spaß :)



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    Dear Indie Author, Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the prospect of publishing your book all on your own? It's a common fear, but guess what? You're not alone.  I'm Shonda Ramsey, your host and fellow indie author, and I've been there too. But here's the thing: fear shouldn't hold us back from sharing our stories with the world.  That's why I've gathered a team of incredible industry professionals, published authors, and fellow writers who understand the journey all too well.  Together, we'll navigate the self-publishing process, one step at a time, one word at a time. Because every writer deserves to see their words in print.  So, whether you're just starting out or you've hit a roadblock, I've got your back.  Welcome to Dear Indie Author: Where we inspire creative independence in every writer.Interested in being a guest? You can inquire at



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    你是否曾被說過「不乖」?在成長的過程中,是否曾在體制內不斷衝撞,尋找自己的定位?「不乖」又怎樣!—是我們堅持做自己、相信自己的表現與信仰!在這裡,Snow 和 Aerial將 以不同文化觀點,自由探討現代人最關心的各種話題:海外留學、工作旅行、語言學習、異國生活、文化觀察、正向育兒、隔代教養、理財投資、跨國合作創業、心靈成長等等⋯⋯分享其親身經驗。台灣土生土長、旅居國外的 Aerial,與從小海外成長、現居台灣的商旅達人Snow,會擦出什麼火花呢?我們一起用不同角度看世界🌍看自己吧🔎*為保持兩人對話的原汁原味呈現,偶爾出現的多語「晶晶體」就請多包涵啦~~



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    Welcome to the Vietnam Circular Economy in Action: Circular Momentum podcast by CL2B where we explore the experiences, motivations and challenges of business leaders as they navigate the circular economy transition.



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    في بوكاست رف الكتب اختار كتاب من رفي و أقوم بمراجعته معكم



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    Le podcast qui vous plonge au coeur du succès digital des marques de mode et de lifestyle, conçu par Landing Partners, l'agence experte en marketing digital pour ces secteurs.Visitez ( pour plus d'info.Realisé avec l'aide de Flanders Investment & TradeHébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.



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    Velkommen til BÅLSNAK – en podcast, hvor vi træder et skridt tilbage fra hverdagens hast og lader os fordybe i de samtaler, vi ofte savner.Der sker bare noget særligt, når mennesker samles omkring et bål – der opstår en særlig stemning, den der ro, hvor det pludselig føles helt naturligt at åbne op og dele de tanker, vi ellers måske ville holde for os selv. Nu sidder vi ikke lige midt i den vilde natur, men omkring et bålfad, men effekten skulle meget gerne være den samme!Jeg har lavet indhold til sociale medier, så længe jeg kan huske, og i en verden, hvor alt går stærkt, er der brug for tid til at stoppe op og fordybe sig. BÅLSNAK er mit forsøg på at skabe dét rum. I BÅLSNAK inviterer jeg både kollegaer og andre personer som jeg finder inspirerende, til at sænke skuldrene, finde det rolige tempo og dykke ned i de samtaler, idéer og oplevelser, der virkelig betyder noget. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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    Welcome to "Industry Voices". Hosted by Gemma Monclús, this space uncovers the stories that shape our retail world. Each episode journeys into the lives of remarkable individuals—from visionary entrepreneurs to trendsetting analysts—sharing their insights and triumphs. Together, we explore the evolving landscape of beauty, fashion, retail, e-commerce, and more.



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    A podcast series about South Africa’s past, present, and future. Economic historian Johan Fourie and historical sociologist Jonathan Schoots interview social science scholars investigating fascinating questions about our country and continent and distil those lessons into practical policy suggestions today.



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    In today's competitive marketplace, businesses are constantly seeking ways to reduce expenses and increase profitability. Betachon Freight Auditing offers a specialized service in shipping cost negotiation that has proven to deliver substantial savings. By leveraging industry expertise and deep knowledge of carrier pricing strategies, Betachon identifies opportunities for cost reduction that are often overlooked. Their team of seasoned professionals engages directly with carriers on your behalf, ensuring you receive the best possible rates without compromising on service quality. Whether you're dealing with UPS, FedEx, or other major carriers, Betachon’s negotiation services can significantly lower your shipping expenses. For businesses aiming to optimize logistics and maximize profits, partnering with Betachon Freight Auditing for shipping cost negotiation is a strategic move that pays off. For further details, visit:

    BusinessBusiness NewsCareers


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    I serien Udspring præsenterer Poetisk Podcast poetiske essays og interviews i lydlig form: omtaler, samtaler og reflektioner omkring forfattere og deres værker. Vi springer ud i de verdener, de universer deres ord har skabt.I de første 3 afsnit afprøver vi 10-meter vippen på Lene Henningsens tre bøger: Atomar, Weiss-Manettis forudsigelse og Moderne shaman, der udkom som et trekløver i årene 2022-23 og kaster os ud i en samtale om kunstneriske processer, postmodernisme, natur og shamanisme.



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    Felipe De Vicente é um artista plástico abstracionista, digital, multimídia e músico brasileiro, com reconhecimento nacional e internacional. Suas obras vão desde o abstracionismo lírico, passando pelo abstracionismo geométrico, chegando até o expressionismo abstrato. Destacando-se, quase sempre, o uso de cores vibrantes, formas geométricas e a utilização da plataforma digital como meio de criação. Suas principais influências nas artes plásticas são os artistas: Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian e Kazimir Malevich, assim como os movimentos: Concretismo, Suprematismo e Construtivismo.

    ArtsVisual Arts


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    "Anne of Avonlea" by Lucy Maud Montgomery is the sequel to the beloved novel "Anne of Green Gables." The story follows Anne Shirley, now a young adult, as she takes on the role of a schoolteacher in her hometown of Avonlea. Over the course of the novel, Anne navigates the challenges of teaching, forming relationships with her students, and continuing to grow as a person.She also becomes involved in community projects and forms deep friendships with new characters, such as Paul Irving and Miss Lavendar Lewis. Throughout the book, Anne's imaginative and kind-hearted nature continues to shine as she inspires those around her and learns valuable life lessons. The novel explores themes of growth, friendship, and the importance of community, all set against the picturesque backdrop of Avonlea.



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    A Round Table is a podcast that elaborates the meaning of life in a spiritual context and offers the space to hold the thoughts and questions of others. At A Round Table we know that there is much happening with the views of spirituality and we want to get away from the ups and downs of an inner monologue that has questions.



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    The Visionaries Show features conversations with visionary leaders who share their stories and experiences from business and other aspects of life. Hosted by Mohan Ananda and Jen Crowe, the podcast explores topics such as capital raising, scaling, mergers and consolidations, brand creation, exit strategies, among others. Through their stories, these leaders provide practical insights and lessons that can guide others looking to make a positive impact in their own ventures.



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